NXT 4WD with

Operational Dashboard


Yes, this car is made of lots of parts from the 8297 Off Roader, but it is a completely different car! It has extreme flexible suspension, it has 4 Wheel Drive and it is controlled by two Lego Mindstorms NXT modules.


One NXT module is the Remote Control Gun. The other NXT module is build in the booth of the car. When you are driving the Car the Dashboard in the Control Gun is really working. The Car has the same dashboard, synchronised via the Bluetooth connection which is used for controlling the Car also.




Main features:

·         Highly Flexible Suspension with two turn tables inside Chassis.

·         Ultra Sonic distance check with:

Ø       Automatic Distance Control (ADC)

Ø       Emergency Braking Assistance (as part of ADC)

Ø       Collision Prevention Assistance (CPA)

·         4WD with 2 XL-Motors on 1 NXT-Output port for High Power. But be careful! The power is higher than the strength of the gearing when putting the car to extreme tests… as you can see at your right hand.

·         Automatic Front and Tail Lights

·         Automatic Steering direction Set-Up (added in v1.1 software). The front wheels will search the centre-position automatically.

·         Speed measurement at Rear Axle

·         Full Functional Dashboard with indicators for Motor Power, Speed, Gear Box position, Fuel (Car Battery) and Distance control.

·         Programmed in NXC for NXT 1.0 with Firmware Version 1.04 in CAR and v1.07 in RC-Module

·         Automatic Bluetooth communication setup. Using NXC System Calls in RC Module. See the NXC Source Code for more details on this.

·         Synchronous Program Start-up (Car software is starting automatically)

·         Compressed (packaged) data transfer of 8 variables between RC-Module and Car to allow highly responsive car movements and accurate readings on both dashboards.


Remote NXT:

·          Sensor  1 = Touch, for Braking and Forward / Reverse gear

·          Sensor  2 = RCX-Rotation, for light weight proportional speed control.

·          Sensor  3 = RCX-Rotation, for light weight proportional steering.


Car NXT:

·          Sensor  1 = RCX-Rotation, for speed measurement on rear axle..

·          Sensor  2 = Ultra Sonic, for distance checking..

·          Output   A = NXT-Motor for steering.

·          Output   B = 2 XL-Motors (Front & Rear axle with differential)

·          Output   C = Front- and Tail lights on/off.











Building guide 1

Building guide 2


NXC for RC mod

NXC for Car mod

Graphic RIC files 

RSO Sound file

RXE File Remote

RXE File Car









NXT Test Car

With BT-Control

This car has the basic Lego NXT Technology as used with the NXT 4WD Off Roader with Bluetooth Remote Control Gun. Especially made available for those who like to test-drive with the Dash Board in the Gun without making such a complex Off-Road car.



< Full Function Dash Board >


In contradiction to the final Off-Roader Car this Test Car has:

·          Light weight! So build for high speed in stead of much power.

·          No 4 wheel drive, but rear only.

·          One NXT Motor on the rear-axle instead of 2 XL motors

·          Speed measurement with Tacho Meter in NXT Motor (No extra RCX Rotation Sensor)

·          Direct steering (no gear rack steering).

·          Ultra Sonic Sensor pointing in steering direction.


Since this car is fairly speedy the Ultra Sonic distance check in the actual driving direction comes in very handy here, providing:

·          Automatic Distance Control (ADC)

·          Emergency Braking Assistance (as part of ADC)

·          Collision Prevention Assistance (CPA)


Remote NXT (With Automatic Bluetooth Connection Set-Up):

·          Sensor  1 = Touch, for Braking and Forward / Reverse gear

·          Sensor  2 = RCX-Rotation, for light weight proportional speed control.

·          Sensor  3 = RCX-Rotation, for light weight proportional steering.


Car NXT:

·          Sensor  2 = Ultra Sonic, for distance checking.

·          Output   A = NXT-Motor for steering.

·          Output   B = NXT-Motor for driving.

·          Output   C = Front- and Tail lights on/off. (Not mounted here)





Not yet


NXC for RC mod

NXC for Car mod

Graphic RIC files 

RSO Sound file

RXE File Remote

RXE File Car








Eye – Ear Battle


How do you respond fastest? Using your Eyes or Ears? Try this Lego Mindstorms NXT Single Brick Project for a start! And discover how much faster you react on one of the two!


This programme is made with NXT-G. It measures response times in milliseconds and keeps track of the fastest times for both Eyes and Ears. If you try to cheat you will have to wait a little longer before the action comes!


See if your parents can beat you! Guess not…


During development of this small program it appeared that the LCD display causes a response delay by itself. So this programme corrects the LCD delay by subtracting the LCD delay from the Player Response Time. The audible .rso file play causes no (measurable) delay as the selected sound starts with a high volume wave at once…


NOTE: This NXT-G programme uses a Custom Block “DisplayBig4” to display the Large Digits on the NXT Screen. You will have to download this Block, download the corresponding “Ric-files”, and put them in your NXT-G Programming environment on your PC first. The Large Digit Software in NXT-G is using the NXT-Mini-Blocks form You will need these as well. At the right-hand side you’ll see the links for this stuff. Take a look on the Dutch page (at the bottom) if you want to see where I have installed those files on my computer.


For those who do not use NXT-G there is an Executable .rxe file available as well.







NXT-G Source Code

NXT-G Custom Block

Ric-files for Digits  

RSO Sound files

Executable (.rxe)


NXT MiniBlocks








Lego Off Roader


Yes, you will recognise this model as the Lego Technic 8297 Off Road car. But this is not a normal 8297. It is thoroughly PIMPED!


This car has:

 - a complete new roof with Spoiler, Air Inlets,

   Antennas and Six Rally Lights

 - Widened windscreen

 - Protective Side Bars and extra Bull Bar at the front

 - Exhaust pipes

 - A turning steering wheel in a restyled dashboard

 - Metallic look with Black details instead of grey

 - Transparent motor block

 - Two Infrared Sensors in the roof

 - Two extra motors for remote driving & steering








Building guide


Parts List!







The Ultimate Lego Safe


Put away your valuables in this Lego Mindstorms NXT Safe and nobody ever can get even close to it! This 6,5 Kilogram heavy weight SAFE has an electronic code lock. Five double digit codes are required to open the lock. The dial (left-hand wheel) is direction sensitive. Thus 35 to the left is something else than 35 to the right. You enter the codes by changing direction while turning the code wheel. When you do so, the display will show that you have entered another un-lock code. Only one out of more than 305 Billion code combinations is unlocking the door!  When the safe starts to laugh at the end, then you have entered a wrong code!!! Otherwise it will open automatically.


Extra features of the Lego NXT Safe:

v      Large Digit display (using Custom Digits, and MyNumOut routine)

v      Outside dimensions 38x38x38cm, creating 30 Litres of internal storage space

v      Internal vertical safety bars prevent stone walls to be disassembled

v      Automatic un-Locking / Locking of the vault (Motorized lock)

v      Automatic opening and closing door (Motorized door)

v      Automatic burglar alarm (using HiTechnic  Acceleration Sensor)

v      Variable un-locking code, set by user during locking.

v      Heavy, 7cm thick, door with secret Power-On/Off buttons.


Note: If you start the software for the 1st time, the lock in the door must be pulled inside the door completely… (left-hand state) After that the lock position is automatically stored in a file every time again, to overcome power-off situations.








NXC Source

NXC MyNumOut

Large Digits

Graphic Stuff

Sound Files

NXT Executable


Building guide







Off Roader

Direct Drive

Infrared Controlled


This car uses the year 2007 released Infrared Control units + Power Function Motors. The car weights 1.3 Kilograms and measures 39 centimeters long. Its top speed is about 3.4 Km/hr, almost 50 Km/hr on scale. The machine has a relatively extreme suspension but the most special about this car are the motors.


Each rear wheel has a build-in Power Function XL Motor (# 8882).



If you do not (like me) have two converter cables to change polarity of one motor, AND you do not have a polarity switch (like in set 8297), then you will need two IR-Receivers to do the trick!

Why? Because you have to reverse the polarity of one of the two rear motors if, and only if, you want to control both motors simultaneously with only one IR Channel.


In this model the IR-Receiver for the Left Wheel is internally modified. The wire to pin #2 is exchanged with the one to pin #3. This causes the motor to turn in the opposite direction.


Set both receivers onto the same channel (1 to 4) and off you go!














Lego NXT

Lap Timer


This lap timer measures your race track records in hundreds of seconds. Each race track has its own light sensor… The red light of each sensor reflects on the wall in the middle of the road. When a car passes the NXT detects a reduced reflection and will display the Lap Time of the passing car. Each player has his own timer. When you break the overall track record you hear  the Trumpets “Tatatataaa” celebrating your victory.


The software is written in Not eXactly C. I used the same principle for displaying large numbers as with the Slot Machine which was written in NXT-G, so I had to write a NXC routine for those large numbers again. See “NXC MyNumOut” and also download the Large Digits.

Tip! For those who do not have a NXC Compiler installed, they can use the executable .rxe file and place it directly onto the NXT Module…

Tip! Don’t forget the large digit .ric files, otherwise you will see nothing.

Tip! The wall in the middle must touch the road surface to avoid light peeking from one side to the other. If there is an opening between the two sensors then one passing car will influence the light in the other sensor as well, causing erroneous lap times.







NXC LapTimer

NXC MyNumOut

Large Digits

NXT Executable


Building guide







Play ground



For the kids, around 7 years old. This 80 centimetres high marble play ground has two runways carrying the marbles back to floor level. First you put the marbles on top by hand. The second run starts when the marble elevator throws the marbles on top of the second runway. The thread is created using the parts of the Bull Dozer set 8275 (year 2007). The thread is powered by one older type 9v Geared motor. Can you manage the marbles just as fast as the machine does? Try it yourself!












Lego NXT

Slot Machine


This Casino Slot Machine (Fruit Machine) accepts real credits. The display shows how many credits you have gathered. One spin costs 10 credits. Press the Yellow Button and it starts the machine rolling. Now just wait until it stops. The Red Buttons can hold the selected reels for you, for one turn. A winning fruit combination will instantly be paid back to the player, not in credits but in cash!. The returned money (or Poker Chips) is dropped in the basket below.


The player can win up to 200 Credits according to the table at the right. Remember, it can be real money, so be careful!


This slot machine contains two Lego Mindstorms NXT modules, communicating through Bluetooth channels #0 and #1. NXT-2 is handling all player activities. It has 3 motors for the reels and 4 touch sensors (RCX type) for the player buttons. NXT-1 is the master of the credits, the cashier. It accepts the coins or chips, keeps them in the safe, passes the credit value of the coins or chips to NXT-2 (channel #0) and immediately starts paying the Price Money when a WINNING COMBINATION has emerged. It has 3 motors for handling the cash and light sensors for detecting the coins or chips. 


This NXT project features two types of  “My Block” display routines for showing numbers in easy readable LARGE DIGIT format!


At the left: the players display showing your Credits and the Reel Hold status. At the right: the hidden cashier status information, showing the actual cash, the real profit (of the owner of the Slot Machine, not the player) and more!


The display routines requires home made RIC files, to be downloaded from this website. Special thanks to Andreas Dreier for his perfect nxtRICedit utility! The Large Digit Software in NXT-G is using the NXT-Mini-Blocks form You will need these as well.



Requires unofficial parts in your LDraw library


Opened Front

Opened Rear




Guide in PDF



NXT-2 Software

Large Digit SW

RIC Files

Fruit Images


NXT MiniBlocks







NXT Slot Machine


The Slot Machines comes in two versions. The version type depends on the inside Cash Handling Module.

The Cash Unit handles Euro Coins: You might change the sizing of the cash containers (two square shafts) and the dispenser opening if you want to use an alternate currency. The building instructions are based on the Euro Coin sizes. On request I programmed a NXT-1 SW version to handle $10c and $25c coins!


Building tip: Use a rubber band to hold the coin shafts against the “coin shaker”.



Requires unofficial parts in your LDraw library


Guide in PDF


NXT-1 Euro SW









NXT Slot Machine


The second version Slot Machine is based on this Chip Handling Unit. It is based on common Poker Chips of 11,5 grams and 40mm in diameter. The software is able to handle green and yellow chips. You could also take blue and white for example, but be aware that the red light from the NXT Light Sensor is not so well able to detect the difference between green and blue or the difference between red and yellow for example.


The Chip inlet at the front of the Slot Machine is of course a bit larger than in the Euro Coin version, but the machine is very much the same. See the MLCad file or Guide in PDF format for the construction differences.


Building tip: Use a small rubber band to keep the Chip-Pay-Out-Detection pins (RCX Rotation Sensor) close to the Chip Dispense openings.



Requires unofficial parts in your LDraw library


Guide in PDF


NXT-1 Chip SW




